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I can’t believe the day has finally arrived! Here it is, my podcast! It is available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

I will have different types of episodes including interviews with specialists, interviews with parents, and I will summarize some research articles. I will also answer your questions.

The goal of the Curious Neuron podcast is to inform you on various topics centered around child development in children ages 0-5 years old (developmental milestones including language, cognition, movement, social and emotional skills), behavior, mental health, childhood disorders and more. As well as to discuss topics related to education and brain development in children ages 6 years and older (mental health, learning difficulties, cognition and more). I want to provide you with the science that backs what we discuss AND to give you tips to help you apply what you learned in your home.

I hope you enjoy my podcast. Feel free to give me some feedback in the comments section below 🙂