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Host: Dr. Cindy Hovington, Ph.D.

Guests: Shelley Kemmerer & Jaclyn Margolis

Shelley Kemmerer, PA-C

Shelley is a parent, Board Certified Physician Assistant, and Founder of Run Tell Mom. She is focused on sustainable burnout prevention and recovery for both parents & caregivers. She received her post-graduate certification from The Training Institute of Parental Burnout and is a Fair Play Facilitator addressing household equity. She collaborates with other parental mental health advocates in order to increase burnout awareness in both personal and professional atmospheres.

Dr. Jaclyn Margolis is an Associate Professor of Applied Behavioral Science at Pepperdine University. She also serves as the Department Chair for the Behavioral Science & Organizational Theory Department. She specializes in teaching courses in organizational behavior and professional development to MBA students. Dr. Margolis conducts research on teamwork, leadership, and employee well-being. She is particularly interested in how employees deal with stress, find joy in their work, and collaborate together effectively. Dr. Margolis is an incoming Associate Editor for Group & Organization Management and serves on the editorial board for Journal of Organizational Behavior. Dr. Margolis is a contributor to Psychology Today.


Dr. Jaclyn Margolis, PhD

In today’s episode we chat with two experts about burnout. Dr. Jaclyn Margolis, PhD explains how to manage and prevent burnout in the workplace. Meanwhile Shelley Kemmerer, PA-C, sheds light on parental burnout and how to maintain wellbeing at home when demand is higher than your resources. We learn about the main symptoms of this syndrome and how to recognize when your stress has turned into burnout.  Shelley helps us understand how family planning is burnout prevention while Jaclyn explains how to deal with an unmanageable expectations and setting boundaries at work. We talk about realistic ways to include self-care in your routine to restore your energy.


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